We are committed to providing our members with an enriching, holistic, hands-on experience with biological and computational concepts, fostering creativity in all our members and allowing them to use their skills to make a real-world impact.



Inno aims to provide its members with hands-on, real-world experience in STEM fields through a hand-crafted custom curriculum for biotechnology. Each and every one of our members will be able to create a product directly applicable to real world fields.


Inno provides a unique learning experience that allows teens across the Bay Area to gain exposure to one of the most prominent industries in today’s world; biotechnology. Through curriculum and workshops, we aim to foster creativity as we help educate our members on the true impact and innovation behind modern biotechnology.


We connect our members to resources and industry professionals that can allow our students to make real-world contributions with bioengineering, and learn about breakthrough industrial topics in a systematic way. We provide the tools necessary to allow students to create a truly impactful piece of technology as they examine the intersections of biology and engineering.

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