INNO offers opportunities for all people within the biotech community. From students, to professionals, to corporations, INNO welcomes involvement from any and all who are interested in taking part. View our specific guidelines below to learn how you can get involved today!


  • All high school students are encouraged to join INNO today! We welcome students from all backgrounds and levels of experiences who have an interest in biology, computer science, engineering, or any combination of these three ideas.
  • Visit our about page to join your school’s chapter today, or start your own chapter here.


  • INNO allows members to make real-world industry connections by providing all students with professional mentors. Mentors are an integral part of the INNO community, and we are open to mentorship from professionals of all engineering or biology related backgrounds.
  • Interested in becoming a mentor at one of our nine INNO chapters? Read our mentor packet here and contact us today!


  • As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, sponsorships are key to making sure our members are well-resourced. We welcome sponsors from all fields, and all donations are tax deductible!
  • View our sponsorship prospectus here and contact us for more information.